4 Ways How Oral Care Makes Your Immune System & Body Stronger ORL
7.0 pH

4 Ways Oral Care Makes Your Immune System & Body Stronger

If you’re looking simple for ways to boost your overall health, your quest just got easier. In fact, you don’t even need to travel to a health food store or gym to do it. Research shows that taking...
ORL Toothpaste & Mouthwash - Featured as Gluten-Free ORL

ORL Toothpaste & Mouthwash - Featured as Gluten-Free

Appreciate the feedback and comments of being gluten-free. http://lifewithkathy.com/gluten-free-roundup/  
Dry Mouth - Mayo Clinic Q & A ORL
dry mouth

Dry Mouth - Mayo Clinic Q & A

Celiac Disease Impacts Oral Health Too ORL
celiac disease

Celiac Disease Impacts Oral Health Too

Going Gluten-Free is Key with Celiac Disease Whether you’ve given up gluten because you’re one of the 300,000 Americans with celiac disease, suffer from gluten sensitivity, or eliminated gluten fro...
Woman outside exercising and tying her show on a bridge

Diabetic Neuropathy and Oral Care Needs

Nearly 10% of the American population has diabetes. That’s more than 23 million people diagnosed, 7 million undiagnosed, and 1.5 million new diagnoses each year. Another 84 million adults have pre-...
15 Vitamins and Minerals Your Smiles Begging for Now ORL
7.0 pH

15 Vitamins and Minerals Your Smile’s Begging for Now

There’s a lot of hype in the dental industry with manufacturers of toothpastes and mouthwashes constantly unveiling the next best thing to prevent cavities or eliminate gum disease. There’s often t...
Yoga balance perfect 7.0 pH
7.0 pH

Top 5 Benefits of Achieving a Perfect 7.0 pH in Your Daily Oral Care

Chances are, you gave your teeth an acid bath this morning. It’s not difficult to tip the scales. Your morning cup of coffee, for example, has a pH of about 5.0, and citrus fruits tend to sit aroun...
John Hopkins Study:  A possible connection between Alzheimer's and pH balance ORL
7.0 pH

John Hopkins Study: A possible connection between Alzheimer's and pH balance

6 Things You Dont Know About Dry Mouth (But Should) ORL
7.0 pH

6 Things You Don’t Know About Dry Mouth (But Should)

Dry mouth, clinically referred to as xerostomia, is more than an annoyance. If left untreated, it can rapidly deteriorate your oral health and cost you your teeth. Below, we’ll provide a few largel...