Understanding-the-Risks-of-Harmful-Ingredients-in-Oral-Care-Products ORL
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Understanding the Risks of Harmful Ingredients in Oral Care Products

At ORL, we believe that what you put into your body matters, and your oral care routine should be no exception. Many conventional products contain potentially harmful ingredients that can affect n...
A-Soothing-and-Safe-Oral-Care-Routine-for-Radiation-and-Chemotherapy-Patients ORL
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A Soothing and Safe Oral Care Routine for Radiation and Chemotherapy Patients

A natural toothpaste and mouthwash like those from ORL, which contain carefully chosen ingredients and have a balanced pH, can be especially beneficial for individuals undergoing radiation or chemo...
6 Reasons to Choose Toothpaste in Aluminum Over Plastic

6 raisons de choisir un dentifrice en aluminium plutôt qu'en plastique

Bien que les emballages des produits de soins bucco-dentaires soient généralement en plastique, il existe une alternative supérieure qui non seulement favorise la durabilité mais protège également...
What-Is-The-Difference-Between-Natural-Hydroxyapatite-and-Nano-Hydroxyapatite ORL

What Is The Difference Between Natural Hydroxyapatite and Nano-Hydroxyapatite?

At ORL, we believe that nature knows best when it comes to caring for your teeth and gums. That's why we carefully choose every ingredient in our products to ensure they not only provide excellent ...
The-Hidden-Dangers-of-Fluoride-Is-It-Affecting-Your-Child-s-IQ ORL

The Hidden Dangers of Fluoride: Is It Affecting Your Child’s IQ?

The consumption of fluoride has become a hot topic as RFK Jr. is nominated to lead the Department of Health and Human Services.  A New York Post article further highlighted the impact with children...
Jar of Charcoal Toothpaste
charcoal toothpaste

The Hidden Dangers of Charcoal Toothpaste: Why Natural Doesn’t Always Mean Safe

While charcoal toothpaste might seem like a trendy, natural option, its potential harm far outweighs its limited benefits. For those seeking whiter teeth and a healthier smile, it’s better to turn ...
Is-Fluoride-Toothpaste-Bad-for-You-Assessing-the-Facts ORL

Is Fluoride Toothpaste Bad for You? Assessing the Facts

When it comes to oral health, few ingredients are currently as widely debated as fluoride. Many of us grew up being told that fluoride was essential for preventing cavities and strengthening enamel...
Unlocking-the-Magic-How-Natural-Hydroxyapatite-and-Organic-Xylitol-Make-Toothpaste-Better ORL
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Débloquer la magie : comment l'hydroxyapatite naturelle et le xylitol biologique améliorent le dentifrice

Dans les annales de la science dentaire , au milieu de la cacophonie des revendications et des contre-revendications, deux ingrédients émergent comme des héros silencieux, attendant patiemment leur...
Patient with smile in dentist chair discussing oral microbiome
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Nourrir votre microbiome oral : le pouvoir du xylitol biologique

Dans le domaine des soins bucco-dentaires, il est primordial d’avoir un écosystème buccal sain. L’équilibre délicat des bactéries, de la salive et du pH joue un rôle essentiel dans le maintien d’un...